Coronavirus Update for JAC

Coronavirus Update for JAC

Dear JAC family members,

We just wanted to reach out to you personally about what we are doing here at the Janesville Athletic Club with the evolving situation around the Coronavirus.  We want you to know we are doing everything we can to ensure your safety.

Your safety and your positive experience at the Club is our number one priority.  We take pride in our staff, the maintenance of our building and our top-notch cleanliness.  We have full time staff members whose sole job is to clean and disinfect our club each night.  They have nightly check lists and our management team inspects for cleanliness several times per day.  We also have daytime cleaners as well as a great team of employees that are dedicated to having the cleanest club around.

We are also doubling up on our disinfecting protocol for all touch points – railings, doorknobs, handles, etc.

In addition to these everyday methods we employ to provide the best environment for you we have been diligently researching the best standard practices for this type of situation.  We are in contact with leaders in our industry and keep abreast of what measures the CDC is asking for business and individuals to put into place for maximum safety.

In addition to the things we are doing to keep you safe there are some things the CDC and industry leaders suggest consumers do:

  1. If you have a cough it is best to stay home until you are free of that cough as coronavirus is primarily passed through sneezes and coughing.  This applies to fever also.  You wouldn’t want others to come to the club with potential illness so please be considerate of other members.
  2. Disinfect the equipment you will be using before and after your usage. We have disinfectant spray bottles and paper towel dispensers in every room of the club. This will maximize your safety and the safety of all members.
  3. Wash your hands.  Wash your hands.  Wash your hands.  This cannot be emphasized enough.  This is your number one defense!  Please use it and make sure a staff member knows if we are out of soap in any of our lavatories.  Let’s watch out for each other!

All that being said, leading a health-conscious life with regular exercise and good nutrition is your best defense against all illness and disease.  We love being your partner in your health and well-being and want you to feel confident that your safety is our top priority.  See you at the club!

In your continued good health,

Mark & Sherrie Groshan

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